
AOR AR-5000+3U receiver! 10kc-2.6 GHz with built-in 12V power supply/cord

$ 330

Availability: 100 in stock
  • Type: Base Station
  • Number of Channels: 2000
  • Features: Analog
  • Condition: Product was inherited. I attached a small antennae and verified it works. The power supply/cord was missing so I paid a professional to hardwire a permanent power supply/cord into the unit. There are a few dents on the top of the unit. I provided websites with technical specs for this product. The serial number is 050696.
  • Color: Gray
  • Number of Outputs: 1
  • Power: 12 Volts DC 1 Amp
  • Supported Modes: Synchronous AM
  • All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
  • Model: AR-5000+3U
  • Brand: AOR
  • Number of Inputs: 2
  • Band: VLF


    Link to video of unit: https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/8xt4OBB8duvG
    AOR AR-5000+3U receiver! 10kc-2.6 GHz: with hardwired power supply/plug. Condition is "Used". Shipped with USPS ground. S/N 050696 TheAOR AR5000 series has always offered exceptional spectrum coverage and advancedcommercial features at a modest price. The AR5000"A" models cover all the way from 10 kHz to 3GHz (less cellular onblocked models),this "DC to daylight" radio won't miss much! Modes of receptioninclude: AM, FM-N, FM-W, LSB, USB and CW. Six bandwidths are supplied (3, 6, 15, 30, 110 and 220kHz.) and a slot for a 0.5 kHz filter is available. The triple conversioncircuit and varactor tuned front-end provide excellent overloadcharacteristics. Two thousand memories in 20 banks of 100 are featured. Eachmemory channel may hold: frequency, mode, band width, LPF, HPF, de-emphasis,tuning step, step-adjust, frequency off-set, AGC, attenuator, CTCSS tone,antenna selection, 8 character text tag and lockout! Sophisticated scanning isavailable including channel pass, select scan and auto-store. Besides normalscanning (25 memories per second), there is also CyberScan (45 seconds) withoutchannel tags. Scanning search (sometimes called sweep or spectrum scan) is alsosupported, allowing the radio to automatically tune between user-definedfrequencies. The large front panel is very comfortable to use. Other featuresinclude: two antenna inputs (N and SO-239), antenna attenuator, keypad entry,computer control, audio filter, dial torque adjustment, mute, AGC, lock, RS232port, squelch, analog S-meter, preamp, removable feet raisers, scanning (25/50channels/second) and sweep. In FM mode the AGC may be set to Off or On. Inother modes the AGC may be set to Off, Fast, Middle or Slow. This radio may berun from 12 VDC at 1 Amp (with optional DC3000 power cord) or via supplied 110VAC adapter. There is a programmable 10.7 MHz IF output on the back to drivethe optional SDU5600. There is also a programmable 10 MHz ExternalFrequency Standard input jack [BNC] forlaboratory applications. The AR5000+3 is a ‘feature loaded’ version of the AR5000receiver with three enhanced facilities which can only be fitted in the factoryduring manufacture: · Synchronous AM · Automatic Frequency Control · Noise blanker The facility of switching EPROM banks is now supported by theAR5000+3 This virtually means that the AR5000 now has 2000 memory channels, 40search banks, 10 VFOs etc... two sets in one! GeneralSpecifications · 10kHz-2600Mhz range · AM, NFM, WFM, USB, LSB, CW · 1000 channels in 10 banks · 5 VFO's · Scan rate 20-45cps · Autostore · Selectable steps from 1Hz-999.999kHz · Analogue signal meter · Computer control · 20 search banks · 2 clocks/sleep timer/alarm · 1 priority channel · CTCSS (optional) · Attenuator · AGC · 8-character alpha-tag FOR DETAILED INFORMATION, SEE: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/AR5000 https://www.hsp.it/radio/catalog/aor/ar5000.htm COMPUTER CONTROL All functions on the AR5000 areRS232 controllable. The AR5000 is a dream come true for those applications whenremote and/or multi- receiver operation is desired. CASCADE IF FILTERING Two banks of filters are employed,one at 10.7MHz and the other at 455kHz. Selecting an IF bandwidth switches bothIF amplifier filters and provides a superior overall shape factor which reducesunwanted signals and interference, and improves both dynamic range and imagerejection. MORE IF BAND WIDTH FILTERS The AR5000 is supplied with 6 IFfilter band widths (3,6,15,30,110, and 220kHz). A 7th position is open in the455kHz for an optional 500Hz Collins CW filter. 30kHz is ideal for high speeddata rates, 110 & 220kHz for higher data rates; 220kHz is also for FM SCA(sub-carrier) broadcasting and FM sound in both FM and T.V. audio channels.. FREQUENCY STABILITY (INTERNAL) The AR5000 comes standard with ahighly accurate TXCO internal frequency standard of 2ppm over a temp range of0-50 degrees C (32-121 degreees F DISCRIMINATOR OUTPUT An FM Wide & Narrow fixed leveldiscriminator output is provided for multiplex (MUX) signal processing; FMWsub-carrier and Hi speed data rates are typical applications. EXTERNAL FREQUENCY STANDARD Using an external source has severaladvantages. (1) Note the AR5000 has 1Hz resolution. At 1000MHz, 1Hz is 1 partin 109, use of a standard at least good to 1 part in 109 willmake that last digit have full meaning. (2) It is desirable to use one masteroscillator when two or more receivers are used in a system. Accuracy and phasestability is assured. (3) Diversity reception is possible using external masterOSC. Diversity has been used for years on long haul HF circuits and can also beused in VHF/UHF applications. (4) Direction finding: One method of DF is"time of arrival" (or phase) of the received signal using tworeceivers. Using on master OSC assures both receivers will be coherent and inphase. DECODERS DTMF (built-in): DTMF tones are usually heardwhile monitoring telephone calls. The AR5000 will decode and display thesephone numbers. DTMF tones are sometimes used to remotely control systems andfor other applications. VOICE INVERSION DECODER UNIT DS8000(plug-in option): Voice inversion provides a low level of "voicescrambling" and the DS8000 will decode the audio and make it intelligibleto the listener. CTCSS unit CT5000 (plug-in option): Sub-audible squelch tone canbe decoded, displayed, and stored in memory. It is possible to place a CTCSStone into memory and scan for that tone; the receiver will not stop on a signalunless that tone is present. On community repeaters, there may be several userseach with their own CTCSS tone, one may wish to monitor just one user by openingthe squelch only on that users' CTCSS tone. AUDIO CONTROL Hi pass filter 50, 200, 300, 400Hz;Low pass filter 3, 4, 6, 12kHz and thru position plus 4 time constants (25, 50,75 and 750ms) are provided for FM de-emphasis. PRE-SELECT FRONT END A tracking front end pre-selectorfilter helpsreduce or eliminate interference from unwanted signals andincreases sensitivity. This filter is auto-tracked from the CPU or can bemanually tuned or RS232 controlled. Once the signal is peaked, the filtersetting may be placed into memory for future use. Front end tracking filtertunes 0.5-1000MHz plus a high pass filter is used above 1000MHz and a low passfilter below 500kHz. PRE-AMPLIFIER/ATTENUATOR A low noise, high quality 10dBpre-amp is always ON below 230MHz and not used above 230MHz. The pre-ampcombined with a 10dB attenuator provide a range of 20dB below 230MHz; thereadout will indicate ATT 0, 10, 20dB. Above 230MHz readout is ATT 0, 10dB.These settings can be stored in each memory channel for future reference. VOICE CONTROLLED SQUELCH VCS is designed to eliminate theproblem of scan-stop on an un-modulated carrier. Unless there is voicemodulation present, the scan mode will continue past a signal. The VCS willalso operate on modes other than FM(N), static crashes from thunder storms inthe HF (2-30MHz) band often disrupt scanning. With VCS these false stops aregreatly reduced. SCAN CONTROL One can scan memories, enter thedesired dwell time, set AGC threshold level, voice squelch, for any memory andstop on carrier. POWER ON/OFF VIA REMOTE In remote applications, one mayprefer not to have the receiver ON 100% of the time, to conserve power and/orreduce the possibility of detection. The AR5000 will accept a remote command toturn it ON or OFF. BFO OFFSET Selectable in 100Hz steps from 400to 1100Hz, the operator is able to tune CW and other digital signals to thecorrect frequency without changing the receiver's main tuning. ACC1 FRONT PANEL JACK This jack provides audiooutput/input return (for use with external signal processing units),discriminator output (switchable from wide to narrow FM), and audio output withswitching control of tape recorder. TWO TUNING CONTROLS The main knob provides tuning stepsfrom 1Hz to 1MHz and a mechanical variable torque adjustment ideal for finetuning of CW, SSB and digital signals. The second knob has "click"indents ideal for channel tuning and has step sizes of 100Hz, 1kHz, 10kHz,100kHz, 1Mhz and X10 for rapid tuning. MANUAL/AUTOMATIC RF GAIN CONTROL Reception of CW, SSB and digitalsignals can usually be improved using the manual gain control (MGC). ReducingRF gain can eliminate receiver noise allowing only the signal above the noisefloor to be copied. Large signals from nearby transmitters may drive a receiverinto distortion in the AGC mode, however MGC will allow low distortionreception of nearby transmitter and high power signals. The squelch control isalso used as the RF gain control (push "FUNC" then 6 [RF Gain]). DUAL ANTENNA INPUTS Typical application is to use port(A) 30MHz down and (B) 30MHz up, since the antennas are usually very different.One can also use either antenna port at any frequency. If working on the VHFbands, port (A) could be a discone omni-directional antenna and (B) a gainantenna with directivity, or switch between an HF active antenna and a longwireantenna. Port selection may be stored in memory thus assuring the properantenna for any given frequency. 4 PORT ANTENNA SELECTOR:AS5000 An optional external 4 port antennaswitch box may be added to either antenna port providing a toatal of 5 antennainputs. The possibility of using (2) AS5000 (one on each port) is underconsideration. This would allow up to 8 antennas all switched from the frontpanel or remotely via RS232. SPECTRAL DISPLAY READY (SDU) IF output 10.7MHz with 10MHzbandwidth, to drive several models of SDU, is provided plus these addedfeatures: (A) AGC on/off is unique and standard in the AR5000.Receivers in which the AGC cannot be defeated will produce poor results on anySDU due to the AGC pumping action. When a strong signal is received, the AGCaction causes a reduction in receiver gain and all signals displayed on the SDUscreen are reduced until that signal is no longer in the receiver band pass. Ina busy band, the AGC pumping action is very undesirable. (B) Preand Post IF filtering: The user may switch the IF output to Pre or Postposition of the 10.7MHz filtering, Pre filtering for wide sweeps and Postfiltering for narrow sweeps, thus taking advantage of the filter to narrow thespectrum of interest. (C) The AR5000 CPU can be controlled bythe SDU5000 keyboard. This digital linking of these two units allows signalmonitoring never offered in an instrument of this class. In turn, the SDU5000may be controlled by a PC computer thus producing a very powerful, low costintercept system. PASS FREQUENCIES 2100 Pass frequencies may be placedinto storage. This allows the user to lock out up to 2100 frequencies not ofinterest. Pass frequencies do not use any memory channels. AUTO-MODE BAND PLAN To aid the user in getting started,AOR has programmed 100 memory channels and 10 search banks. Each memory channelincludes frequency, mode and alpha-numeric text to identify each station orband. Examples: (CH7)5.995MHz Mode(AM) "VOA", (CH11)17.765MHz Auto(AM) "Germany", (CH16)7.295MHz Auto(LSB) "40MTHAM",(CH45)203.75MHz Auto(FMW) "TVCH11". (CH72)467.875MHz Auto(FMN) "BUSINESS".10 search banks are also pre-programmed. Example: search(2)88-108 (mode)auto(text)FM BCB, search(3) 118-136 (mode)auto (text)aircraft. At any time thepre-programmed memories may be re-programmed by the user. MULTIPLE VFO's Five (5) VFO's are available. TheVFO indicator is in the lower right of the readout, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE. EachVFO has in memory: freq., step size, filter bandwidth, antenna port andattenuator and/or pre-amp. One can have VFO(A) set for 800kHz, 6kHz BW, AMMode, 10kHz Step, Ant#1 and attenuator 10dB. VFO(B) could be 146MHz, 6kHz, FMN,Ant#2, Pre-amp ON, and so on. KEYFEATURES Transmit mute: Protects the AR5000 in transceiver operation RS232 C remote via computer AGC fast, med., slow, OFF VFO (5) Freq., mode, BW, Step, Att. 1000 memory channels (100ch X 10banks) 2100 Pass Frequencies (not a part of memory) EEPROM: non-volatile memory storage (no batteries required) Squelch level control scanning will not stop unless the signal is above a set level AGC output, 256 bit digital (optional analog) Volume & squelch controls local/RS232 Specifications are guaranteed over the full range of 10kHz to 2600MHz Built in preamp and attenuator local/RS232 20 search banks: 20 pairs of start/stop frequencies Tuning Numeric Controlled NCO provides accurate tuning steps, to 1Hz Dual scan/search speedsat 25 and 45 channels/second Dual Clock: alarm/sleep functions Read out: Back lit LCD multi-function read out with 8 character alpha-numeric comments "S" meter: easy to read analog type "S" meter Triple conversion 1st IF 622MHz, 2nd 10.7MHz, 3rd 455kHz Metal cabinet: more rugged and reduced RFI Small Size: 8.6"x4"x10.3" WHD, 3.1" H w/o speaker baffle and legs (275 cubic inches) Comparison(in cubic inches): R7000(540), R7100(330), R8500(607), R9000(1436) Optional rack mount (2) AR5000 side by side will fit in a standard 5.25 X 19 rack. Other optional rack mounts: (1) AR5000 or (1) AR5000 and (1) SDU5000. Front facing speaker: A unique baffle is used to produce full audio range with front facing output, important in rack systems. Low power requirement: 13.8 VDC 1AMP (max audio) using an external AC power supply (included). Advantage: (A)No heavy power supply in portable or field use. (B)Most built-in AC supplies produce excessive heat which raises the receiver temperature causing component values to drift and heat stress, thus raising failure rates. SPECIFICATIONS Model AR5000 Frequencyrange 10KHz -2600MHz Receivemodes AM, FM, USB, LSB & CW Nominalfilter bandwidths 3KHz, 6KHz, 15KHz, 30KHz, 110KHz & 220KHz (provision for 500Hz option) Tuning NCO 1Hz to 999.999999KHz TypicalSensitivity 10- 20MHz 0.56uV AM 6KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.25uV SSB 3KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.36uV FM 6KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.40uV FM 6KHz filter 12dB SINAD 90- 150MHz 0.50uV AM 6KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.20uV SSB 3KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.25uV FM 6KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.28uV FM 15KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.50uV FM 30KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.80uV FM 110KHz filter 12dB SINAD 1.12uV FM 220KHz filter 12dB SINAD 400- 700MHz 0.56uV AM 6KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.23uV SSB 3KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.28uV FM 6KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.32uV FM 15KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.50uV FM 30KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.80uV FM 110KHz filter 12dB SINAD 1.25uV FM 220KHz filter12dB 1.6- 2.6GHz 0.36uV AM 6KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.14uV SSB 3KHz filter 10dB S/N 0.20uV FM 6KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.22uV FM 15KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.40uV FM 30KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.63uV FM 110KHz filter 12dB SINAD 0.90uV FM 220KHz filter 12dB SINAD Memorychannels 1000(100ch x 10 banks) Searchbanks 20 banks Memoryscan speed 25 or 45channels per second (max) Searchspeed 25 or 45 increments per second (max with step size of 100KHz or less) PASSfrequencies 2100total Antennainputs 50 Ohm unbalanced. N-type & SO-239 Audiooutput 1.7 Watts into 8 Ohms (@13.5V) @ 10% distortion Powerrequirements nominal 12V d.c. @1A or less Size 8.6" x 4" x 10.3" (W.H.D.) approx. Weight 7.6 lbs.